The History of My Gallery


Once Upon a time there was a beautiful art gallery.

On the first Friday of every month, large groups of entitled, alleged art collectors would arrive to drink free champagne and pretend to be interested in the art. Thankfully, enough of them were rich enough to buy some of it so the gallery flourished.

Then one day... (in 2005, actually)

A message from Jennifer:

"While vacationing peacefully in the south of France, I received the shocking news that my beautiful gallery has burned to the ground!

The cause is suspected to be a short-circuit in the power supply for "La Machine-Outil Sexuel," the animated sculpture by Lindsay Woolsey for his upcoming show. My assistant, Jane, claims that she doesn't know how it happened and that she was just testing it at the time.

Thankfully, all of the paintings were saved, except for Pegeen Ryan's (which is no loss I assure you). However, the destruction of those bleached floors and cherry furniture just breaks my heart! Apparently the laminate went up like a bonfire.

The decision to rebuild the gallery is pending since the insurance money will be enough to retire on and I'm not sure I want to stay in the business anyway. Between the jerk artists and the idiot customers, I think I might just stay in France. I'm having such a fabulous time with my new boyfriend, Jean-Luc, and the margueritas are really yummy. Thanks to everyone for your support, it's been fun! Au revoir!



Ok, so it didn't work out with Jean-Luc. He was hot but it turns out he was more interested in my money than me. Once I figured that out I kicked him to the curb. In fact, I think he's still living on that curb in Marseille so if you see him toss him a croissant or something.

While I was laying around depressed and watching way too much CNN, a good friend of mine (cheers, Flax!) suggested I restart my gallery, only this time do it in the Metaverse. My first reaction was "wtf, bitch" but she convinced me to give it a try. So, I am delighted, ish, to announce The Jennifer Haas Gallery in Second Life.

This time it's not about money! The gorgeous artwork is free, so you can display it in your own little abode in this lovely virtual world.

In addition to fabulous art there is cotton candy, cupcakes and, of course, lots of champagne! So yummy. Please come visit and be sure to send me a message and say hi!

It's here: Jennifer Haas Gallery

Oh! What is Second Life? Here is some info. It's free!